Sunday, January 11, 2009

Accusations of Anti-Semitism

This is a piece sent to me by Pat Westwater-Jong, a journalist and peace activist who has been to Palestine and lives in Boston. The piece refers to a rally that has already happened--it took me a while to post this. Thanks, Pat!

I have found that for many/most people, especially the American press and politicians and many of my Jewish friends and family - opposing the Israeli government's treatment of the Palestinians, especially now in Gaza - is code for "opposing the state of Israel", and for being anti-Semitic. I think that any signs people carry and speakers at the rally, that/who aren't clear that they oppose the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians, and not the Israeli people and not Jews in general - is counterproductive. Those accusations merely increase many people's fear and mis-belief that to oppose the Israeli government in any way is anti-Semitic -which entrenches their inability to listen to what is happening and come to understand that what the Isreali government is going is not for safety of Israel and not within their value system. I know there are people who are anti-Semitic, and some of them will be drawn to this protest and i do not identify with them any more than i identify and support anyone who is racist or prejudiced against any group. I hope that the speakers will address this because i think this is the key reason why so many people, "liberals" in particular, align themselves with the oppressors here and cannot hear what is truly happening in Israel, and therefore cannot oppose it. Until these people realize that it is OK to criticize Israeli government policies and that can actually be a way to stand up for moral Jewish behavior, they will continue to associate criticizing Israel with being anti-Semitic, and Israel is likely to continue their illegal and immortal treatment of the Palestinian people.

If we can get enough Americans to understand that they can oppose those Israeli policies which are illegal and immoral, just as they have opposed Bush administration policies that are illegal and immoral, and still been patriot Americans - then many of them will be open to being informed about what's really happening - and then we can change public opinion and then we can withdraw that support from Israel which enables them to treat the Palestinians as they have been treated. Without US support, it seems they cannot continue and certainly my friends in Israel believe that Israel will not continue to oppress and abuse Palestinians without US support. The bombs are being dropped onto the people in Gaza, from American planes.
I want very much to be part of an effort that informs and encourages human rights for all - not one that espouses hatred for Israel and Jews. The only way out of this is to stand up against hatred and abuse of everyone - and stop abuse of anyone - regardless of what group/religion/race/political party, etc, they are a part of.


  1. I saw this Letter to the Editor in the Sunday Boston Globe and I thought it was very relevant. It was written in response to an Op/Ed by Jeff Jacoby calling the protests against Israel's assault on Gaza anti-Semitic:

    Jeff Jacoby is right that there's a lot of anti-Semitism in the world. But he fails to note one of the main causes: Zionism. Since the early 20th century, Zionists have waged a relentless campaign to equate their political movement with the Jewish religion. They have largely succeeded; in the eyes of many, Zionism and Judaism are one in the same, and opposition to Zionism becomes opposition to Judaism. But that doesn't change the fact that the two are anti-thetical.

    I am a Jew, and I know from my religious education that if the Jewish people are to attain the Holy Land, it will be through the Messiah, and not with guns. Jews are taught to heal the world, not to displace families, create refugee camps, and practice collective punishment such as that used against Jews in the past.

    So long as this confounding of Zionism with Judaism continues, it will sow anti-Semitism. But in the end, anti-Semitism serves the Zionist ideology.

    S.M. Cooper

  2. Check out this article: "Zionism and anti-Semitism: Are Israel's critics anti-Semitic?"
